study motivation tips

How To Motivate Yourself To Study: 27 Most Effective Ways

Studying can sometimes feel like a daunting task, especially when you are lacking motivation. So, how can you get this motivation back? How to motivate yourself to study? Thankfully, there are 27 different ways and tips, and tricks that can motivate you to study. Upon utilizing these 27 ways you will get back on track for your study and you will feel as motivated as ever.

1. Recognize That Motivation Comes and Goes

Motivation is not linear. Unfortunately, being stuck in the mindset that you will constantly be motivated to do your work can actually be the root cause of your lack of progress. Instead, recognize that motivation is more cyclical in nature. This means that your motivation will come and go, as well as be stronger at times than others.

motivate yourself to study
motivate yourself to study

Forcing motivation to come to you can sometimes be successful, but oftentimes it is not. Trying too hard to make motivation come to you can actually lead to burnout. You may begin to feel down on yourself that you have not become motivated and you may have felt that you will not accomplish the goals you have set forth. This is not a positive mindset to have. Instead, recognize that motivation will eventually come to you again.

2. Take Note of Your Limits

Everyone has limits and how far they can go when it comes to studying. How long or how much someone can study often depends on the individual. Forcing yourself to study for a certain length of time just because your peers do may not be in your best interest. Instead, recognize where your limits are when it comes to studying. This will allow you to make better use of your time when you are planning out your day.

3. Plan Out Your Day

If you do not have a structure to your day, you may be met with many challenges along the way. This may make it difficult to focus when you need to and may cause unnecessary distractions to creep up on you. Before you know it, your day has come to a close and you no longer have the time you need to study properly.

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In order to find motivation, it is important that you have a structure and plan out your day appropriately. Your plan for your day is likely to be unique to you. This planned-out day should include breaks, as well as meals, as you do not want to be studying constantly for the entirety of the day. Often, finding out a well-structured day that works for you sometimes takes trial and error. But, eventually, you will find a plan that works for you and your needs.

4. Set Achievable Short Term Goals

Motivation can sometimes be difficult to find, but setting goals for yourself can help you identify why what you are working for is worth it. Short-term goals allow you to get a sense of satisfaction while you work towards your long-term goals. Short-term goals are generally easy to obtain and help you get closer to a long-term goal.

5. Set Stretch Long Term Goals

Long-term goals give you something with which to work for. Setting realistic long-term goals is crucial to your overall success and satisfaction. Setting a goal that is nearly impossible to reach may seem like it could be a great motivating factor, but it can actually lead to unsurmounted amounts of stress. Instead, set more reasonable achievable goals, and do not be afraid to keep these goals flexible.

6. Put Aside Distractions

Distractions can really take away from not only your motivation but also your progress. Distractions can come in many different forms, from people being in the same room as you to technological distractions. When you are studying, it is important to create an environment that is geared toward learning. This includes utilizing a space that does not allow you to keep checking social media, your phone, or one that has loud distractions. All of this can take away from the progress that you need to make.

7. Keep Your Brain Active

Not stimulating your brain often enough can have negative effects on your motivation, as well as your progress with your studying. In order to keep your brain active, it might be necessary to engage in certain activities that are beneficial for your brain. This can include working on puzzles in your free time, trying brain-stimulating apps on your phone, or even coloring and drawing. Often, the hobbies that you already enjoy help to keep your brain active. Having an active brain will help you to remain motivated to keep up your studying once you have started for the day.

8. Space Out Study Time

Studying all at once can seem like the right way to go when it comes to planning studying time. However, not breaking up your studying sessions can actually do more harm than good. It is proven that you will often be more productive if you break up your studying time into much smaller and more manageable chunks. This will help you feel more motivated to complete those individual chunks, rather than one large chunk of studying time.

9. Recognize When You Fall Behind

Sometimes, learning material can be quite challenging. Certain learning materials may be more difficult for some than for others. This is normal and it is never shameful to admit that you have fallen behind on the course material or are stuck on a particular topic. Admitting to this and recognizing the issue can help you to better overcome the material and continue to push forward with this knowledge. Simply skipping over course material that you do not understand is never the way to go, as this can cause you to fall further behind on your studying and prevent you from understanding future coursework.

10. Do Not Focus on Memorization

Memorization is not synonymous with understanding. This is because what we memorize is often stored in our short-term memory bank. This means that we will remember it for a short time, but then we will eliminate it to make room for different short-term memories. Instead, you will want to learn to actually retain the information. This means that you may need to utilize several methods in order to properly learn the material. This could include taking notes on the course material and then rewriting these notes.

11. Try to Make Each Learning Experience Enjoyable

Realistically speaking, you will not find joy in certain coursework. You may even find that there are even certain topics that you are completely disinterested in. That is completely normal and it is likely that you will not be interested in every topic you cover. However, this can lead to you not being motivated by the content that is being presented to you. So, it is important that you find ways to make the content more enjoyable for you.

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This can typically be accomplished by utilizing several different methods. You may have to attempt trial and error until you find methods that work for you and your learning style. However, one way to make course material more fun for you is to make a game out of it. This could be anything from a matching game to a guessing game. Often, playing these games with a friend can help you learn the coursework easier and make it more fun to do so.

12. Notice How You Learn the Best

Everyone learns in different ways. There are many different ways that you can learn the course material. For instance, there are visual learners and there are also hands-on learners. You may find that you lean more towards one learning style than another. Some people also learn better when they write something down. While finding your learning style may start off as trial and error, you will eventually be able to tell which learning style you gravitate towards.

13. Determine Why Studying Matters to You

Studying is important, but why it is important differs from person to person. You will want to recognize why studying is individually important to you. In order to find out why you want to study, you will want to ask yourself some important questions. These questions include, “what will studying help me accomplish” and “why do I care about studying”.

how to motivate yourself to study
how to motivate yourself to study

The answers to these questions will help you to better put into perspective why studying is essential. This can help to boost your motivation, as you will then know what you are working toward and why studying is an essential step to take, even if you lack initial motivation.

14. Exercise Regularly

It is important if you want to have healthy studying habits, including positive motivation, to exercise regularly. Exercise may not be something that you think about when you are planning out good studying habits, but exercise is important to your overall health. Exercising regularly helps your body to release endorphins and can even be a very important stress reliever in your life. Utilizing exercise can help to keep both your mind and body in a healthy condition to keep up with your positive studying habits.

15. Visualize Yourself as Motivated

If you want to know how to be motivated to study, then you will need to visualize yourself motivated. The truth is, you will not always be motivated. Motivation will come and go. However, visualizing yourself as motivated can help you to feel more motivated. Visualize what you would be doing if you were motivated or pretend you know what is motivating you at that moment. These visualizations can often be stimulating enough to create actual motivation in your life.

Daydreaming about motivation can be helpful, but it is also important to know that forcing motivation is never a good option. Trying to force motivation can actually have the opposite effect. Instead, it is better to let motivation come to you. Sometimes, a lack of motivation actually means that you just need a break from the studying that you are doing.

16. Schedule Breaks

At the beginning of your day or the beginning of your studying week, you will want to make sure that you have scheduled breaks. You will not want to go into a studying session without a break or several breaks planned for your day. Not planning breaks throughout your day could lead to you taking unnecessary breaks or not pushing yourself enough throughout the day. This could lead to procrastination and cause you to not complete your studying goals for that day. Instead, it is important to break up your day with a good amount of breaks that work for you and your needs.

17. Schedule Relaxation

If you have no motivation to study, you may need some time to relax. Relaxation is different than taking a break. Taking a break could mean that you go somewhere for lunch or complete your errands for the day. However, scheduling relaxation is different. When you schedule relaxation is dependent on what works for you and your needs. For instance, some people may need to schedule relaxation daily, while others will want to schedule it weekly. Regardless, it is important that you schedule a time to relax as often as you need to. Relaxation can take many forms, so what you choose to do to relax is completely up to you.

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Relaxation is generally when you allow yourself to not think of the stressors in your life and instead embrace other aspects of your life and enjoy yourself. Everyone relaxes differently, so do not think that you need to follow certain norms in order to enjoy yourself and relax. For instance, you may find relaxation by going on a hike or you may find relaxation by hanging out with your friends. Whichever is your way is the correct way.

18. Plan Healthy Snacks

What you put into your body matters. If you are constantly eating junk food, you are likely to feel weighed down and sluggish. Depending on what you are eating, this can affect how you are feeling. So, you will want to plan for more healthy snacks as part of your studying sessions. You will also want to have a healthier diet in general. This can help your brain perform at peak performance and help you stay more alert, as well as focused during your studying sessions.

19. Stay Hydrated

Drinking water is important for your overall health, as well as helping you to stay at peak performance and help your brain perform properly. If you deprive your body of water, you risk suffering from the effects of dehydration. This can make your body feel ill, but can also affect you mentally as well. You may notice that when you do not drink water throughout the day, you have difficulty concentrating and even performing your daily tasks.

effective ways to study
effective ways to study

The amount of water needed per individual can vary. Drinking too much water can also be an issue. So, it is important to talk with your primary doctor in order to determine how much water you should be drinking daily. Drinking the proper amount of water daily can help your brain perform much better and enhance how productive you are when it comes to your studying.

20. Study in a Group

If you find that you have no motivation to study, a good trick to try is to try studying in a group, instead of studying by yourself. This is because studying in a group can have many benefits, especially on your productivity. Of course, you will want to pick your studying group wisely. Choosing people for your studying group who would rather be doing anything else than working on coursework can lead to frustration. Instead, properly vet your study group to ensure it will be a positive experience for you.

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Proper studying groups can provide you with valuable tools for learning and thus, motivate you to do your best. For instance, a study group can also be an accountability group. This can allow you to hold each other in the group accountable for each other’s work. You will also be able to bounce ideas off of each other in the group or focus on a particular topic that one person may need extra help with.

21. Break Down Difficult Material

If you are encountering some difficult material that is proving to be a roadblock. There are some ways that you can get around it. One of these ways is to break down difficult coursework into smaller and more manageable sections. Once these problems or ideas are then broken down into smaller areas of knowledge, you are more likely to be able to understand the concept. For instance, if you are having a difficult time understanding the changing seasons, understanding each season first could be beneficial. Breaking down difficult material is a great study motivation tool.

22. Uncover Why You Procrastinate

Procrastination is natural and it is something that everyone does at some point or another. However, it is important to recognize that we do not simply procrastinate for no reason. There is also a reason behind our procrastination. If you look into yourself and realize why you are procrastinating in the first place, you may find that it is easier to deal with your lack of motivation. There are many different reasons why someone may procrastinate. If you are having difficulty determining why you are, it may be helpful to ask yourself some questions regarding what you are accomplishing from procrastinating. Uncovering why you procrastinate is one study motivation tip that will work for you.

23. Jump Start Your Day

Starting the day and getting going is often the hardest step, which also makes it the one we most lack motivation for. While jump-starting your day may prove to be one of your biggest challenges, there are some things you can do in order to start your day a little quicker.

study motivation tips
study motivation tips

First, make sure that you entice yourself with something good to eat. It may help to plan your meals out a day in advance. Some people also benefit from setting an alarm they wake up to, but then also set a timer for when they need to start studying and do their work. Jumpstart your day can help you learn how to motivate yourself to study.

24. Make Time for Rewards

Studying takes time, effort, and energy. At times, studying for days and even weeks on end can become draining. It is important, in order to maintain motivation, that you reward yourself regularly for a job well done. It is not necessary to force yourself to reach a certain goal in order to reward yourself. You can even reward yourself for just taking a break from your studying. Take time out of your day to do things that you enjoy, engage in your hobbies, and communicate with your loved ones. Making time for rewards is one way how to get motivated.

25. Keep a Positive Attitude

Keeping a positive attitude is one way how to motivate yourself to study. A positive attitude can go a long way, especially when it comes to motivation. Keeping a positive attitude is not always possible and that is okay. However, it is important that you do not sit in negativity or stay there. Simply recognize your feelings, experience that feelings, and then move on to something more positive. This will help you to recognize all the opportunities that are available to you, embrace your mistakes, and keep going down the path that was meant for you. Positivity can come in many forms, so it is important to embrace it in all of its forms. What you deem positive may differ from someone else.

26. Embrace Change

Embracing change is one way how to get motivated. Things will change and if you put up walls to this change, you will notice that things may become more challenging for you. To stay motivated, it is important that you recognize that change can be a good thing. During your studies, many different aspects may change. You may encounter coursework that you struggle with, you may have to find a new study group, and you may even get a new teacher along the way. Embracing these new changes in your life can help you to remain positive and motivated.

27. Keep a Flexible Schedule

One way how to be motivated to study is to keep your schedule flexible. Although you value studying, you will also need to make time for other aspects of your life. This all depends on your values and what you deem important in your life. Keeping a flexible schedule helps you to remain open to different opportunities and possibilities that may come your way.

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Motivation can sometimes come and go. But, there are ways that we can help it stick around and even regain some motivation that we might have lost. If you are struggling with a lack of motivation when it comes to studying, this list will help put you back on the right track.
