If the word exam sends jitters down your spine, here are some tips to help your child prepare for their exams. In this article, we share effective methods to prepare your child on the day of exams that sets him on a positive note to deliver his best performance.
For nearly a decade or more, Singapore and a few other Asian countries have always placed top 3 in international exams which measure the child’s ability in reading and comprehending math, physics and chemistry. This has placed an unusual burden on the child to perform. As a result, tuition classes, loads of school homework, and extra-curricular activities have become part of his schooling life.
As a parent, you obviously can’t take your child’s exam, but you can surely help them navigate Singapore’s highly competitive education system and pass their exams with flying colors. Though there is no replacement for sheer hard work, you as a parent can definitely help your child get smart at studying. Here is the list of things you can do to help your child prepare on the day of the exam to deliver their best performance.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. According to Livestrong, breakfast is helpful in increasing the attention span which directly positively impacts academic success. Dietitian Clare Evangelista says “Our brains require the right food (quality nutrition) before examinations for optimum performance. Breakfast is the most important meal on the day of the exam and is critical for your child’s” successful performance. Your child should eat breakfast even if he usually doesn’t eat breakfast.
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Mental alertness is key during the exam. Protein-rich food such as egg, nuts, and yogurt makes excellent exam-day breakfast since they promote brain activity and enhances alertness. Include fruits and whole-grain cereals as well since it promotes quick thinking.
If your child’s exam is scheduled for post lunch, include some vegetables as well like broccoli, carrot, and peppers. Do not give him cookies, cake, or anything high in refined sugar to eat. These are referred to as brain-blocking food and may make your child feel sleepy in the exam hall. Give them enough water to drink and prevent them from drinking sugary beverages. Dehydration may make you lose your concentration and sap your energy. At last, whatever you eat or drink, should be light and should make you feel satisfied.
Arriving early at the exam venue
Make sure your child leaves early for the exam center. Arriving early will give your child enough time to register and be seated for the exam. Arriving early will also give your child some breathing space to relax and settle down before starting to write the paper. Some children find exams very stressful. Relaxing will help them cool down and perform better. A common sight before examinations is of students clinging onto their secret notes, trying to take in as much as they can.
However, if they are well prepared, it is best to stay relaxed instead of getting caught up in a frenzy. Many exam centers also don’t allow students to take exams if they are late.
Calm and Relaxed
Let your child know that you are going to love him irrespective of his performance. Students perform better when they are relaxed and not under any kind of stress or pressure to perform better. In Singapore, children often misconstrue the relationship between how much their parents love them and how well they do in their exams. This causes unnecessary pressure and prevents them from getting into optimum shape for their examinations.
Time Management
Remind your child that time management is crucial during exams. This is probably the single best tip you can give your child before an exam, as students tend to get caught up in challenging questions, leaving insufficient time for easier questions. Before the exam, you can help your child with enough mock preparation and drill sessions to help him learn to allocate his time to each section based on the format of the question paper.
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During drill sessions, help him learn self-discipline and move on to the next section once the allocated time is up, even if he is not done. He should visit back to finish or re-do anything left incomplete, only if time permits.
After all the hours of studying and tuition lessons, it is up to your child to perform to the best of their ability. Make sure you set them up for optimum performance and see the results!